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Signs of Resurrection

A drawing of some of the signs of Spring joins our altar today as a reminder of the ways new life is part of this season

We are used to Spring. Every year, trees which have looked barren for the last 4-6 months burst forth with new life and the world turns green again. We expect God’s creation to offer us signs of new life, but resurrection is a bit more surprising.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have had more time and energy to devote to the ground which we call home. For me, this has been a chance to feel more connected to “home” as dirt, grass, trees, (and even weeds) as well as the home inside our house. It has given me the chance to look over all God has placed in my care–children, chickens, plants, and more.

As my attention has focused, I’ve found life in places I would have overlooked. A seemingly dead dogwood sapling, which I have been debating cutting down and digging out, offers a perfect example. In a world without a call to be in my home, I might have missed the life. As it is, I can see new life growing where death seemed to reign.

Where is there life around you if you take the time to look closely?

Life may seem to be gone…
…but we may just need time to look more closely!

Remember, God is working in many different ways during this season. So, keep your eyes open for how God is working. Take some time to share those stories with me, either through email ( or phone (757-771-4224).