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Closing the Day Together

Today we add a sleep mask to our altar as a way to celebrate the gathering of God’s people for Evensong to allow us to turn each day (and night) over to God.

One beautiful thing which has come out of the ways we have needed to shift how we “do church” is the recognition that we can find ways to connect briefly each day (or even more often!) since we don’t have to travel to the church building. We also don’t have all of the many activities which usually crowd our lives, so time to connect is more available!

Take a moment to read how Revs. Debbie and Michael Baugham have been able to create a space for people near and far to close each day together:

After having no live worship on March 8th; Michael and I were in deep thought about possibilities to keep our churches connected. We both thought about vespers that we have had at VUMAC (Virginia United Methodist Activity Center formerly located in Blackstone) with several youth groups over the years and how powerful those brief, but comforting songs, prayers, scriptures could be as we unwind from a full day.

Upon doing a bit of research, I came up with an “evensong” which is very similar to vespers, a service of prayers, psalms, devotions, etc…brief, but powerful and effective.

We began this on Monday, March 9th and have alternated the leadership (Debbie/Michael) every night since. In the beginning we only had two cells, but out of the goodness of someone’s heart from Gary’s UMC, she donated another cell she had so we would have one cell per church each night.

Our numbers have grown and people really look forward to the brief (I think that’s the key here too) time of unwinding and settling in for the night. One night we sang, just randomly…and since then they have requested we sing each night, (we are no Vince Gill and Amy Grant).

I think the important thing here during this “unique” time, is to promote our faith, our trust in God and the hope that these two together provide, love.

We have reached as far as Brazil and as close as our next door neighbors. God is truly faithful and good.

Remember, God is working in many different ways during this season. So, keep your eyes open for how God is working. Take some time to share those stories with me, either through email ( or phone (757-771-4224).