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Delayed but not Deterred!

Unlit candles, representing celebrations delayed, join the altar as we celebrate faith that grows even when we have to wait!

Today’s word of joy comes from Rev. Brian Simmons at Wesley UMC in Colonial Heights:

The attached picture is from our Youth Sunday School on Zoom this past Sunday. We had 25 of our youth and several teachers participating in this new version of Sunday School. This will be at 10:00am each Sunday and their example has sparked similar new ways to stay connected for all the other Sunday School classes. 17 of these youth have finished confirmation class and were to be Confirmed on March 15th with Bishop Lewis preaching. While that is postponed, their enthusiasm and love for Jesus remains strong. They are connected as the body of Christ even though apart. Kristin Crowder, one of the Sunday School teachers organized and hosted this awesome class.

That email was from the end of last week. On Sunday, they were up to 30 in that online class with several other classes meeting at the same time! I love how this group of young people is continuing to find ways to pursue God even though the Confirmation Sunday they had been long preparing for has been delayed. It offers a powerful reminder that while gatherings and celebrations may be delayed, we still can pursue our faith!

Some of the youth Sunday School from Wesley UMC

Remember, God is working in many different ways during this season. So, keep your eyes open for how God is working. Take some time to share those stories with me, either through email ( or phone (757-771-4224).