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What Does a Worship Leader Look Like?

Worshiping at a distance has allowed Highland UMC to invite many different faces–many who have never led worship before–into worship leadership

Often, we see the same faces over and over again leading worship in our churches. We know those individuals are gifted, but it is always a joy to see others in our congregation have the opportunity to lead! COVID-19 has created a situation where some churches are taking advantage of the need to be on video in order to get many people involved in worship leading.

Check out this note from Highland UMC Associate Pastor Rev. Maggie Hasselbach:

For Palm Sunday, Joe and I compiled a video of our congregation reading different parts of the passion narrative. We have shortened that to a 3 minute video, focusing on Matthew 27:54, and the voices of some of our congregation responding as the centurion, “truly, this was the Son of God.”

Check out the video! It is a beautiful compilation of many different faces who are a part of Highland and beyond.

Remember, God is working in many different ways during this season. So, keep your eyes open for how God is working. Take some time to share those stories with me, either through email ( or phone (757-771-4224).